Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Nobody Does It Better by Julie Kenner

In order to hide her writing, Paris Sommers adopted the pseudonym of Montgomery Alexander because his name fit the edgy, action novels she created. Then she became Montgomery’s front person and allowed absolutely no one to meet her alter ego. But when her publisher started talking book tours and multi-book deals, knew her days were numbered. Then Devin O’Malley stepped into her life and become Montgomery Alexander for the tour. Devon O’Malley learned how to run a con from this father and while he had retired from the game, he needed some fast money and picking up a gig as the famous author was pure luck. But the number one rule of running a con is not getting emotionally attached and Devon is falling for Paris big time. Now it’s up to Paris to decide if she wants to spend the rest of her life with her fantasy man, Montgomery or with Devon despite his flaws?

This is the first of four Harlequin re-releases featuring some of my favorite Temptation and Blaze authors. I disappointed at first when I realized this wasn’t a spy novel (The Spy Who Loved Me is my all-time-favorite James Bond movie {except for possibly the original Casino Royale, but that’s a whole ‘nuther story }). I loved the way this book puts a reverse spin on my attempts at writing romance novels. Maybe I should adopt the name of a sexy chick, who hopelessly attracts men of all shapes and sizes. And then when that magnificent creature walks into my life, I’ll be spell bound and unable to function. But wait, it already happened (right Jill ). Anyway, this story reminds me of an old television show, Remington Steele, where the heroine is a private detective but can’t get any work because no one believes she can do the job, so she creates a boss shrouded in secrecy, Remington Steele who’s reputation is incredible. (hmmm…Wonder if they re-released this series on DVD yet?) Anyway, if you can’t tell I really loved this book. So if you hadn’t read it the first time around, you’d better get this edition before it’s too late.

Details: Temptation, February 2000

Excellence Rating: Great

Steaminess Factor: Yummy

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