Thursday, December 14, 2006

Taste of Temptation by Carrie Alexander

Zoe Aberdeen’s looking for the story behind the lust potion. But when she can’t get any information from the police labs through normal channels, she turns to her nerdy neighbor, Donovan Shane who just happens to work in the police lab. While Shane has been feuding with his neighbor since she moved in, he feels bad about turning her down, so he decides to do a little testing. Unfortunately, the tests are inconclusive until he gets a taste of the potion. Then he finds himself working closely with Zoe to solve the mystery behind Lust Potion #9.

Nerds rule! :D While Shane is a pretty good nerd, I don’t think Zoe is the reformed Paris Hilton-like character the story makes her out to be. The story is full of twists and turns that are completely unexpected. All in all, Carrie created a fitting conclusion to the series and one I recommend to all Blaze readers.


Details: Blaze #296, December 2006

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