Friday, August 17, 2007

Wired by Liz Maverick

What if you could go back in time and change something? Anything? Would it be for the better? Or worse? And how would you know? L. Roxanne Zaborovsky learns she’s a pawn in a game of change the past played by Mason Merrick and Leonardo Kaysar. But unlike everyone else around her, she has a memory of what things were like before the past was changed. Both men seek to seduce her to reach their goal. But with any game of Good vs. Evil, there’s only one choice and now it’s up to Rox to make the right choice.

This is the first book in a new line from Dorchester known as Shomi. The line promises “Action Romance” and boy this book delivers. The plot is strong and every scene left me wondering what was going to happen next. The love triangle between the two men and Rox was confusing as both men seemed sincere and it was challenging to figure out who was the good guy. If you’re the least bit intimated by science fiction stories, you may want to avoid this book. But if you love sci-fi novels and can deal with complex series of interrelated events, I highly recommend this book.

Details: Shomi, July 2007

Excellence Rating: Great

Steaminess Factor: Yummy

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