Wednesday, August 22, 2007

How To Lose an Extraterrestrial in 10 Days by Susan Grant

Unlike her siblings, Evie Holloway can’t stand the thought of a life of public service. She’s content to focus her energies on raising her children after her divorce and her new chocolate dessert business. When Evie’s sister decides that Evie’s house is the best place to hide the Reef now that the devices that turned the normal man into a killing machine were removed, Evie thinks her sister is crazy and bets her that he’ll be gone in ten days. Unfortunately her sister took the bet and now Evie is stuck with the alien. At first Evie was worried Reef would break her bones if he stays, but now that he wants to return home she’s worried he’ll break her heart if he leaves.

This story is a sequel to My Favorite Earthling and Your Planet or Mine? and these books should be read first to fully appreciate everything included in this story. As usual, Susan did a great job with the characters, giving them enough conflicts to keep things moving along at a fast pace. Given the way the story ended, I really hope I get to read more about this universe. Recommended.

Details: HQN, July 2007

Excellence Rating: Great

Steaminess Factor: Yummy

1 comment:

colorfulpen said...

Hey Wayne,

Just coming over from the "sweaters" to wish you well with your writing. Hope it's still going all right for you. I like your reviews. I saw this book-"How To Lose an Extraterrestrial in 10 Days" at the store and wondered if it'd be any good. Some of the other books you've reviewed are in my TBR pile.
