Friday, August 10, 2007

Body Movers by Stephanie Bond

After Carlotta Wren’s parents skipped bail, leaving their family behind, she tried to raise her younger brother as best she could. With no money, she began a boring job working at Neiman Marcus selling designer clothes to her former friends. But her brother became involved with computer hacking and gambling, and soon finds himself arrested by a hot looking cop who tries to catch Carlotta’s interest. After bailing him out, she forces her brother to get a job and he ends up moving bodies for a funeral home while his new boss is looking to put the moves on Carlotta. Toss in a D.A., who’s looking for publicity by reopening her parent’s case, a murder investigation with Carlotta at the center; and three good looking men vying for Carlotta’s attention, her life is going to be anything but boring.

This book is the first in a series of books with Carlotta at the center. It introduces the characters by wrapping them up in a great mystery. There’s enough danger and confusion to leave you uncertain where the story is headed and it’s really easy to sympathize with Carlotta as Stephanie did a great job with her character. Definitely worth reading.

Details: Mira, July 2007

Excellence Rating: Great

Steaminess Factor: Yummy

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