Thursday, January 25, 2007

My Nerdy Valentine by Vicki Lewis Thompson

The formula for the latest nerd book starts with one psychology student named Amanda Rykowsky whose life consists of work, school and more work. Then it adds one stockbroker named William Sloan, who’s a hunk of the first degree. It combines them with a lady psychologist specializing in extreme sex therapy and a villain who’s idea of romance involves leaving anonymous naughty Valentines, stalking Amanda at work and home, and using sleeping gas as preparation for making love. Then it simmers the mixture using the heat between Amanda and William as William pretends to be her boyfriend to catch the stalker. Assuming that Amanda survives her boss and the stalker, will she choose to make her pretend relationship, permanent?

While the story is a bit slow in the beginning, I loved the way the stalker slowly raised the stakes forcing Amanda and William together for some sizzling times. In many ways, this book reminds me of a classic Blaze only longer. The kind that was published two or three years ago. Though I do think she’s stretching the definition of a nerd to accommodate these characters, however. I’d prefer to see more engineering and computer nerds because after all techie nerds rule!

Details: St. Martins, January 2007

Excellence Rating: Great

Steaminess Factor: Heat Wave

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