Monday, February 12, 2007

Dead and Dateless Sexy by Kimberly Raye

Lil Marchette’s start up business, Dead End Dating, is just starting to become alive. Which is really saying something for a agency that specializes in finding mates for the undead. But Lil has her work cut out for her when a group of lady werewolves looking for the perfect one night stand. Then to make matters more complicated, the police believe she killed one of her clients and has the evidence to prove it. Her only hope to seek help from Ty Bonner, bounty hunter and hunk. But will Ty be able to find the real murder or will Lil die only to never wake up in the morning again.

This sequel to Dead End Dating brings back most of the characters, so rereading Dead End Dating to become reacquainted with the characters might be a good idea. The story is filled with humorous situations and characters with a slightly non-traditional chick-lit heroine. If you love humor with your paranormals, this story definitely for you.

Details: Temptation, January 2007

Excellence Rating: Great

Steaminess Factor: Yummy

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