Thursday, March 2, 2006

Caught by Kristin Hardy

Julia Covington has been dating Alex Spencer for over six months when she realized that the only thing they have in common is sex. Great sex to be sure, but they never did things as a couple. They never really got to know each other. That's when Julia decided it was time to move on with her life. It was also when she saw the White Star for the first time.

After spending Friday afternoon analyzing the White Star, Julia took it to the basement vault to lock it up for the night. Alex surprised her while she was putting it away. While they were distracted :; , Allard snuck into the basement, disabled the phone lines and then stole the White Star. Then he locked the vault, leaving the couple completely cut off from the outside world for the weekend.

With three books down and three left to go in the White Star series, you might expect things to become a little flat. But you'd be very wrong. Carrie's book was a great read and she managed to keep things on the edge despite the fact that the characters were stuck in the basement for most of the book. And like the other books in this series, this one leaves you waiting for the start of the next month to roll around to read the next installment.

Details: Blaze #236, March 2006

Bottom line: A great book

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