Friday, February 3, 2006

Goes Down Easy by Alison Kent

Jack Montgomery’s search for the victim starts in Austin Texas and leads him to the Big Easy. Meanwhile, Perry Brazille, another resident from the famous Court du Chaud, is marking time managing her aunt's psychic business. Perry's aunt is working with the New Orlean's police to investigate a kidnapping she saw in a dream and Perry is forced to defend her aunt, when Jack arrives to confront her about the dream. But neither Perry nor Jack, could anticipate their attraction for each other. But is it a fling or the real thing? Until they unravel the mystery, neither one knows for sure.

The second book in the Red Letter Nights trilogy (or is it the third of four book ) reads more like a single title book than a traditional Blaze. The sex is there, though not as in your face as you might find in other Blazes. A reasonably complex plot helps the relationship evolve at a much more believable pace.

Details: Blaze #225, January 2006

Bottom line: A very good book

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