Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Twice the Temptation by Suzanne Enoch

I have a lot of mixed feelings about this book. While I love the Samantha Jellicoe stories, this one is half historical and half modern with a common thread that links the two time periods. The reason this book rates a very good is that the quality of the first story doesn’t compare to the second, so I picked something in between. I guess a true fan of historical novels might feel differently, but for me it was extremely difficult to sympathize with the characters and why the did the things they did. I felt that Suzanne should have spent some time explaining things to contemporary readers rather than assuming they understood the historical context of the story. If you really enjoy reading about the cat burglar and the billionaire, then you probably should read this story. But I have a hard time recommending it otherwise.

Details: Avon, August 2007

Excellence Rating: Very Good

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