Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Fit To Be Tied by Karen Kendall

Jen’s wedding day started out badly and only got worse. The final straw was learning that her husband-to-be had to get drunk in order to go through the ceremony and now she’s wondering why she agreed to marry Tom in the first place. While Tom sobered up on the plane ride to their honeymoon, Jen decided that maybe the best thing was to ask for a divorce before things could get any worse. After all that’s happened, surely Tom couldn’t say no. Or could he?

Take every nightmare that you could imagine happening at a wedding and this book has it. Well it doesn't have the pregnant girlfriend running down the aisle during “Does anyone know why this couple shouldn’t be wed?”. but it does have everything else However instead of being playful, the story carried a rather serious tone and that just didn’t work for me. The characters were good, the sex was hot and the ending made reading the story worthwhile. But I can’t help but wonder if a little more humor injected in the right places would have made the book great.

Details: Signet Eclipse, March 2007

Excellence Rating: Pretty Good

Steaminess Factor: Yummy

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